10/52 A classic.

The dump truck. A timeless childhood toy. Made even more fun when it's filled with sand at the beach!
childhood toy w/ preset

And since I'm talking about the beach, I couldn't leave out the results of a sand bucket, another timeless toy!
sand castle


Tracy said...

This looks like a GREAT place to be right now!! Cute photos!

allison said...

I had fun looking through your blog! Love the perspective on the beach shot!

Anonymous said...

I can almost feel the sand, great shots! It makes me want to find a beach and PLAY! Love your DOF and perspective!

Team Jaeski said...

Oh how funny! My husband has really been lamenting the fact that we can't find a classic dump truck toy for our son. His inner child would be so jealous of your picture! Love the sand castle pic too, we were just at the beach making sand castles yesterday!

MLE said...

Man I miss the beach, I can't wait to get back there. These are such fun shots.

Kathy said...

Great photos! Ahhhh, the truck. We have about 50 of those at our house too. :)

Michelle said...

Awesome perspective! Great job!

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