17/52 N is for Night.

N is for Night

And a few others from the A-Z challenge over at Clickin' Moms.

B is for Bud
B is for Bud

C is for Cup of Coffee
A fav beverage

16/52 Egg on deck.

egg on deck

And a few finished ones, with their fabric friends.

15/52 "Is this a real smile?"

My girl loves to practice smiling in the mirror, and she comes up with all sorts of funny smiles. Unfortunately, this often translates directly into what I see through the lens. So when she smiles the real deal, it's irresistible.20110410-IMG_2187
I couldn't resist adding this one, too. He's got kind of a goofy smile here, but there's something about this image that just grabs me.

14/52 Grass?

Our prompt for a photo this week was grass. Old man winter had been holding strong until the last few days, leaving us with snow piles here and there that seem like they will never leave. Thankfully the prompt wasn't "pretty grass."

13/52 Hands.

I just love little kids' hands. Even when they're past the puffy-knuckle stage. I can just see his concentration through his little fingers!