Our Everyday, 12/52. Look.

Our Everyday, 11/52. Walk.

Well, scoot, really, but I was walking (really fast!) to keep up, so I'm counting it! I might also add that this is in Vermont. In March. As in, there's usually many feet of snow still on the ground, March. It's weird, but we're sure enjoying it!

Our Everyday, 10/52. Play.

Our best(/only) family photo from vacation, courtesy of Nanny and edited by me with Camera+ and Instagram.

Our Everyday, 9/52. Sing.

"It's a small world after all."

I'll admit that this is a bit of a stretch for the theme. However, given a sick 4-yr-old, a sick Grandpa, and 8 other family members trying to negotiate Disney World, all the while attempting to make sure everyone's "dreams come true," this is what I've got. Are you singing the song now? I will be all day!

The way I view 'love.'

My two loves, doing what they love to do, crafting and building.

Now hop on over to see how Rachel views this month's theme.